Luftwaffe document & Medal grouping to Johann Rossmann

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Stock No. 72198

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Order Luftwaffe document & Medal grouping to Johann Rossmann Luftwaffe document & Medal grouping to Johann Rossmann @ £395.00

Super citation & Medal Grouping to Johann Rossmann from the 1st higher Aviation Technical school at Juteborg.

Included in this grouping are a KVK with swords with a citation (01/09/1942) and its packet, a 4 year long service medal with citation (17/03/1937). Also included are 3 promotional citations, his promotion to Feldwebel (01/10/1938), followed by his Oberfeldwebel and hauptfeldwebel citations; what is highly unusual about these two is that they both share the same date – proving he received 2 promotions in one day (22/04/1941)


This school was Initially for technical training for both ground and flying staff of the Luftwaffe  until the  out break of WWII and the conquest of Poland,at that point the academy was moved to Warsaw.

The extensive group of buildings in Jüterbog retained a primary role in the advanced training of flight officers and engineers, aircraft and engine technicians. Technical personnel were trained to operate innovative weapon systems, in collaboration with many research centres of the Luftwaffe.